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miércoles, 30 de junio de 2021

Floral diagrammes



The floral diagrammes are an adaptation of their drawings to the square block world of Minecraft, the real and most typical flower diagram of every plant family.

The typical floral formula is also written down on each floral diagramme, as the name of the plant family in Latin, English, German, Spanish and Russian.

Within these diagrammes, you'll find mazes whose only way out is found by solving quiz questions involving taxonomic and other plant-related questions.

Caryophyllaceae (in Caryo)

Asteraceae (in Astera)

Fabaceae (in Fabavut)

Rubiaceae (in Rubia)

Amaryllidaceae (in Amaryl)

Scrophulaceae (in Scroful)

Brassicaceae (in Brassica)

Laminaceae (in Lamin)

Colchicaceae (in Colchica)

Rosaceae (in Rosa)

Boraginaceae (in Boragi)

Ranunculaceae (in Ranuncul)

Apiaceae (in Apia)